Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Welcome to Autismland!

Hello! Welcome to Autismland!

I made the decision to start this blog, because Autism is a major part of my life, and I want to share my own experiences with it, and possibly help other mothers out there who struggle with it. Every mother who has an autistic child will have a completely different story to tell, because every child with autism is completely different. They all have different needs. In this blog, I will share how my journey into motherhood began, and then my trip through the rabit hole and into "Autismland". Those of you who have followed my family blog, may recognize a few of my posts, or wording from it, because I don't want to rewrite history. I started my family blog before my sweet Braden was diagnosed, so a lot of our journey is documented there, and I will be copying some of those posts to this blog. I will also be shareing our current adventures, as well as educational information as often as I can find the time (but when you have two very busy boys, and a fiction novel in the works, there's not always time to post every day. I'm still human people!).

I have two sons, and they both have Autism. Did I ever think that when I got married, and would have a family that I would have TWO special needs children? NO! I was terrified of even the possibility, and Autism was the disorder that I feared the MOST! (Can you see the irony?) I was a naive young newlywed who assumed that I would have six kids, and be a stay at home mom who made dinner every night, and baked cookies, and did crafts with my kids, and played with them, and have play dates with other moms, and just plain enjoy being a mom. We would be one BIG happy family. HA! God apparently had other plans for me. FYI: I will talk about God on this blog because He is also a major part of my life, and without my beliefs, I would have gone completely mad long ago! This blog is NOT going to be all sunshine and roses and the best parts about having children with Autism (Yes, there are wonderful things about having a child with Autism, but we'll get to that later). Having a child with Autism can be frustrating, and make you want to pull your own hair out sometimes. I'm not going to sugar-coat it. This blog is MY story and MY feelings. So, if you're looking for a story with zero struggles, good luck (there isn't a parent out there with ANY  type of child who doesn't EVER have struggles)!

If you're looking for a story with REAL life in it...Welcome to Autismland!

1 comment:

  1. Great start! Looking forward to hearing the rest of your story!
